They say a picture's worth more than a thousand words. A character, a game, a specific level... anything can be easily identified just by looking at a single frame. This is the main idea behind this little game: level packs with up to 100 levels, with exactly one picture per level. How many answers can you get?

Use hints to your advantage! (they're free)

Are you struggling with a certain level? Don't worry! Every level, no matter its difficulty, provides a hint that should help you with your research. Using hints is free and won't penalize you in any way. Who knows, maybe you'll discover your new favourite videogame all of a sudden!

But... there's only one level pack right now...

Yes, I know (I made this game), but new packs will be added in the future! Just be patient, putting 100 pictures together, arranging them and writing a hint for each of them is no short task for one person.

Also this is my first Unity project please have mercy lol

Made withUnity
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsKeyboard, Mouse

Development log

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